A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations. 可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。
The report alleges that thousands of people have been forced into slave labour by the army. 该报告宣称,成千上万的人被军队逼迫做苦役。
He's been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash. 为了挣点钱,他被迫到卖汉堡的小店里做苦工。
The country likes to think of itself as a civilised and sophisticated society. But according to the State Department, when it comes to problems of illegal immigration and forced labour, Thailand is on a par with Afghanistan, Chad, Iraq and Niger. 泰国自诩为文明先进的国度,而在非法移民和强迫劳动问题上,美国国务院认为它和阿富汗、乍得、尼日尔等国可以相提并论。
In 2011, for instance, the marine police did not report a single case of forced labour in all its inspections of fishing vessels heading out to sea. Neither did they find any cases to report during more than 1,000 inspections of fishing boats beyond coastal waters. 例如,2011年海警在对出港渔船的检查中没有报告一例强迫劳动的情况,对沿海水域作业的渔船的1000余次检查中也没有发现并报告任何情况。
Therefore, towards such persons the Central Committee has decided on a policy of passing the death sentence with a reprieve and subjecting them to forced labour to see how they behave. 因此,中央决定对于这样的一些人,采取判处死刑,缓期执行,强制劳动,以观后效的政策。
The report condemned alleged practices at factories owned by Samsung, including forced work without pay, labour contract violations and dangerous working conditions. 这份报告谴责三星旗下工厂涉嫌违规,包括强迫工人无薪工作、劳动合同违规以及危险的工作条件。
Others, able to expand but unable to obtain the finance to do so, are forced to substitute labour for capital. 其它能够扩张但无法获得融资的公司,被迫用劳动力代替资本。
But the driving cause is factories being forced to pay more to attract workers amid an increasingly tight labour market. 但更主要的原因是,在一个供应日益紧张的劳动力市场中,工厂被迫要支付更高工资来吸引工人。
All men are put into forced labour! 所有的男人都拉去修防御工事了!
China faithfully practices the use of forced labour as a reform method rather than as a method for punishment. 将劳动作为改造罪犯的手段而不是作为惩罚罪犯的手段,在中国改造罪犯的实践中得到贯彻执行。
These days lack of revenue growth has forced companies to cut costs, especially on labour. 但眼下收入增长乏力,使得企业不得不削减成本,尤其是劳动力成本。
Trafficking of women and girls for forced labour and sex is widespread and often affects the most vulnerable. 为强迫劳动和强迫性行为而进行的贩运妇女和女童现象广泛存在,并且通常影响到最脆弱的人群。
On one estate of his, three hundred serfs were transformed into free cultivators ( it was one of the first examples in Russia), in others forced labour was replaced by payment of rent. 他的一个拥有三百农奴的领地被改革了,农奴都变成自由庄稼人(这是俄国最初的范例之一),在其他领地,代役租制已取代徭役租制。
Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Similar Institutions and Practices 奴隶制、奴役、强迫劳动和类似的制度与习俗
In the Ming Dynasty the imperial household used charcoal obtained and made by forced conscript labour, but the charcoal used as fuel by officials and the city populace was bought through market channels. 明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的摇役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。
The report also criticised the use of coerced confessions from prisoners, extrajudicial killings, torture and forced labour camps. 该报告还批评中国对犯人逼供、非法杀害、拷打和劳改。
Justice Nakagawa added, however, that the victims of wartime forced labour had suffered "extremely large mental and physical suffering" and called on those concerned to "make efforts to provide relief to the victims". 不过,中川审判长补充指出,战争期间被迫充当劳工的受害人遭遇了“极其巨大的精神和肉体痛苦”,他呼吁相关人士“努力向这些受害人提供补偿”。
When they first arrive, some criminals are not in the habit of working, or look down on work, so at first they must be more or less forced to engage in productive labour. 罪犯刚入狱时,有的没有劳动习惯,有的鄙视劳动,因此参加生产劳动多少都带有被迫的性质。
The intense competition between Chinese companies, particularly in construction, has sometimes led to wages being forced down and labour disputes. 中国公司之间的激烈竞争(尤其是在建筑领域)有时导致薪资下降和劳资纠纷。
Such an agreement would also permit those willing to move towards free trade to tackle some other knotty issues such as investment, competition policy and certain minimum labour standards ( that is, a ban on goods made with slave or forced labour). 此类协议还将使那些愿意朝着自由贸易努力的国家,得以处理一些诸如投资、竞争政策和某些最低劳动标准(例如,对奴隶或强制劳工生产商品的禁令)等其它方面的棘手问题。
The fact that they no longer depended on forced labour made this shift easier still. 他们不再依靠强制劳动力,使这种转变更加容易。
They promised to abolish forced labour. 他们保证废除强迫劳动。
After just two years in his first job at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a government research institution, Mr Liu was forced to leave his research post and do manual labour in the countryside – like millions of other educated young Chinese. 工作仅两年,他就被迫离开研究岗位,与中国数百万年轻的知识分子一样,下乡进行体力劳动。
We spotted hundreds of people building a road by hand-it looked like forced labour. 当时,我们看到成百上千的朝鲜人在用双手修建一条道路,看上去像是一次强迫劳动。
Using forced labour as a means to reform criminals is a common practice in many countries of the world. 把劳动作为对罪犯进行改造的一种手段,是世界许多国家通常的做法。
Education is used to gradually change the prisoners 'attitudes to the work activity from forced labour to conscientious work. 通过教育手段使罪犯由开始的被迫劳动逐渐过渡到自觉劳动。
On Legal Consideration on Abolition of Forced Labour 关于废除强迫劳动的法律思考